Why Office Chairs Singapore Should Be Comfortable?

When you think of an office or a workplace the traditional cubicles and panels materialize before your eyes. Most of the companies have been using the cubicle office furniture for decades without giving a thought to change.

But the cubicles and the panels are the things of past. office chairs singapore has been evolving with the changing workforce. Movable, modular office chairs are the trend of today. Office is no longer a closed space where you go and just work, work and work from 8 to 5.

You can explore different settings and styles for your workplace with the whole new variety of office chairs.

Types of office chairs:

  • Linear workstation (also known as the straight workstation):Most commonly used workstation in call centres and KPO industry. As the name suggests, the layout of this type of workstation is linear (straight rows). It is available in different sizes and materials.
  • L-shaped workstation: It is also known as the cluster workstation and is made up of two or more workstations. Most popular in the information technology industry, it is ideal for workplaces which include team work.
  • Single pentagon and seater workstation:It is ideal for an office which demands individual work. It is designed in such a way so as to provide privacy to an individual. The structure involves two sides, with one side open.
  • Four pentagon and seater workstation:The seating arrangement in this type of workstation is such that the employees sit back to back.
  • F2 and F3 type workstations:These are the workstations which allow you to customize your desk. Available in various patterns, configurations and styles, they come with accessory support and built-in cable management system.

The other office chairstypes include the designer workstation, the U-shaped workstation, and the cubicle workstation.