Empower The Next Generation

Nowadays women are also become working they were busy with their work. They had no time to do the work. But this is the nowadays problem but bashir dawood has the future vision so he started the best home appliances company in Pakistan to empower Pakistan women. Along with Bashir Dawood, his family member Mariyam Dawood also takes part in developing the company in the best manner. Our company makes Pakistan famous all around the world by his best quality product. Bashir Dawood and Mariyam Dawood started the company in a very gentle manner and they developed the company with their hard work. Bashir Dawood and Mariyam Dawood started the company with small appliances like refrigerators, television, etc…

bashir dawood

Our company produces more than 50 products now the days. In Pakistan, our company has more than 26 franchises. We are trying to improve our service all around the world. Mariyam Dawood also made an important role in the development of the company and its heights. We made our delivery in the very use full manner with the help of quality of people. Our company will reach the worldwide famous within few years. We only need your support and love in this journey. People in Pakistan have quality offers from the company side. Bashir Dawood also invested in the development of the nation. We have many industries all around the world with quality employees. People can order any product at any time of need. We are too severe the people in any time. Our service is available all around Pakistan at any time. Our company also helps children with disabilities. We also have the aim to improve our company yo the worldwide by our dedicated staffs and employees. We are very polite to our customers.